Friday, February 11, 2011

Is Hepititis B Curable

prefer a croissant or pain au chocolat?

The recipe for these croissant I got it from "The Big Book of chefs."
The batter was also made of milk powder (15 g) which But I did not, if you want to put it well when forming the dough.
One last thing .. the recipe said that it would come at 24 but I have failed .. you see, I maybe I did not own the dough of 3 mm and croissants I have come a little bit longer ...
Maybe if you try them let me know ...

Ingredients for 18-20 croissants (pain au chocolat or):
600 grams of flour 325 g butter 35 g of cold

soft butter 75 g sugar 200 ml lukewarm water

12 gr di lievito di birra
12 gr di sale

Per la glassa:
1 uovo
1 pizzico di sale

Per farcire:
marmellata, nutella, ecc...
pezzetti di cioccolato al latte o fondente (ma non troppo) per i pain au chocolat

Sciogliete il lievito in 2 terzi dell'acqua.

Lavorate la farina setacciata in una ciotola con il sale, lo zucchero, il burro morbidissimo e il lievito sciolto nell'acqua.

Impastate e se serve aggiungete il resto dell'acqua.

Quando avrete formato una palla di impasto omogenea mettetelo in una ciotola ricoperta con pellicola trasparente e fatelo riposare per 1 ora e mezza (io l'ho messo nel forno spento in modo che non vi fossero correnti d'aria).

Quando sarà passato il tempo e l'impasto avrà lievitato prendetelo in mano e colpitelo con il pugno per sgonfiarlo; poi riponetelo nella ciotola e ricopritelo con la pellicola.

Riponete in frigo per un ora e mezza e poi sgonfiate ancora come prima.

Infine riponetelo coperto nel freezer per mezz'ora.

Togliete l'impasto dal freezer e stendetelo con un mattarello su un piano infarinato in  modo da formare un rettangolo abbastanza sottile e lungo 3 volte la sua larghezza.

Lavorate metà del burro freddo con le mani in modo da ammorbidirlo e stendetelo su 2 terzi del rettangolo di mixture.

Fold the dough into 3 parts, beginning with the third non-buttered (A) calling on the middle section (B) above and close with the final part (C) pan.

I have made a diagram so you can understand better, why not think I explained very well ...

Now wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest in the freezer for 30 minutes and then in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Roll the dough again as before and spread over two thirds of it the rest of the butter with your hands.

fold as explained above and put back in freezer for 30 minutes in the refrigerator for another hour. After the

time roll out the dough on a floured surface, forming a 3 mm thick rectangle.

With a knife, cut triangles of 18-20 cm in height and 10-12 cm wide, or cut the dough into rectangle large enough to form the pain au chocolat.

Form croissants placing the triangles with the base facing you and wrapping on themselves (if you want to put under a bit of jam or nutella and close them in the same way).

For the pain au chocolat at the center of the rectangles you put a piece of chocolate then fold the dough into three and close the edges pressed with the hands.

To make you understand better ... here is a simple scheme

Put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let them rise covered at room temperature for 1 hour and a half. When they are leavened

if you want you can freeze some and cook them only when using them.

Preheat the oven to 230 degrees.

Then beat the egg with a pinch of salt and use it to brush the croissants or pain au chocolat.

Lower the oven to 190 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let cool.


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