Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gakko No Kaidan 1995 Movie English Subs

Squares to Fabbri cherries and chocolate with cherry syrup and crushed meringues

Ingredients: 230-250 g
Fabbri cherries drained
225 grams of dark chocolate 3 eggs

100 g butter 200 g sugar 100 g flour

Ingredients for the presentation :
cherry syrup (the one you have drained from your cherries Fabbri)
some meringue

Melt chocolate in water bath, cut into small pieces, then add the butter pieces and mix in a way that is based well.

In a bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugar, then add the sifted flour and mix again. Now add even

the melted chocolate and worked well together until the mixture is homogeneous.

United Fabbri cherries stripped of liquid (that you keep aside for later) and mix well.

Pour the mixture into a roasting pan covered with parchment paper and bake in preheated oven at 220 degrees for about 25 minutes.

When it is cooked, let cool then cut into squares.

Serve the squares sprayed with a little cherry syrup and sprinkled with coarsely chopped meringue.

With this recipe I participate in the contest Sisters Pot in

and context of cuts and grooves


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