" The motions of the beams are to us as an offshoot of the movement in 1860, seen as" unfinished revolution ". "
In Sicily, the Risorgimento was only an illusion.
The Sicilian people who rebelled against the Bourbons and fought them believing in the promises of justice and freedom of those who had come to "liberate" from slavery and misery on the island after the arrival of the Piedmontese, he regretted the "Lily White (there is no end to the worst).
Over 125 years of the Bourbon kingdom was not always despicable, but it had the merit of the end of feudalism implemented public administration reform, and not in spite of the disregard for the morals of society, public education, for public works, not squandered a very large estates of more than 300,000 hectares and building assets of equivalent value, you can admit that at the time of the unit, in Sicily, the state treasury was almost free of debt.
A "strip" Sicily, think the "Savoy", whose tyranny is seen immediately, we need only mention the facts of Alcara Li Fusi and Bronte and many other towns in Sicily, where the peasants they believed to be got freedom, and together with it, as he had promised Garibaldi, would have a piece of land to cultivate, the Piedmont with the special courts, prisons and distributed executions. After
plebiscite, the Sicilian people there will be nothing but a state of siege, special laws, taxes, conscription and famine (not to mention the bloody repression of the Fasci farmers 1893/94).
course to enjoy the privileges granted will be noble and bourgeois, members of the island's ruling class.
E 'in the "betrayal of the revolution" and sufferings of the people of Sicily which is necessary to search the matrix of a of the biggest scourges that have plagued and tormented Sicily: Mafia! That coexists with the power of government.
folk songs, true interpreters of the pain and tears of all a people, are full of complaints involving the government, the Piedmontese and Sicilian hegemonic class.
The "official" literature is limited to noting the obvious state of material poverty in which people sink, the Sicilian writer, "bourgeois" and dedicated to the commercialization, highlights the inevitability of that condition, "for people have no hope or way of salvation. "
The Verga, claiming the facts of the Brontes, who writes for an uncivilized and barbaric people, like the Sicilian, there can be no freedom, then describes the farmers of the Fasci Siciliani in "the stuff sold for ".
Nel "Gattopardo", del Lampedusa , l'unica cosa cui i Siciliani aspirano sembra essere il "sonno", tanto non cambierà nulla; la tesi del Lampedusa pare essere avvalorata dall'opera del De Roberto "I vice-re". Gli aristocratici Uzeda conserveranno il potere anche in periodo post-risorgimentale, mentre, la "ciurmaglia" resterà "ciurmaglia"; il popolo ha solo diritto alla rinuncia, e anche per Pirandello , non c'è possibilità di riscatto.
Singolarità d'atteggiamenti si riscontrano, in altri siciliani: Rapisardi e Costanzo , poeti colpevoli secondo la critica crociana di aver trasformato the poem in "sociological essay.
But this charge against the poetry of the two highlights the originality of men and poets.
The complaint that make their day, not an end in itself but is combined to great ideals: social justice, the need for change, rebellion against an unjust social order, which symbolically represents the class of the poor and oppressed in the work of other writers who Sicily is only capable of sacrifice, even "must" give up.
Siciliani forgotten by scholars:
Giuseppe Aurelio Costanzo ( Melilli , March 6 1843 - Rome, July 14 1913) was a scholar , poet and university professor Italian .
Tommaso Cannizzaro ( Messina, August 17 1838 - Messina, 1921) was a poet , literary critic and translator Italian .
Heliodorus Lombardi ( Trapani, April 5 1834 - Palermo, March 16 1894) was a poet and writer Italian .
Jerome Moleti Ragusa also known by the pseudonym GR Sagura Molarogi ( Palermo, January 14 1851 - Palermo , 1917) was a poet, writer and Daily Alista
Henry Onufrio ( Palermo, 14 November 1858 - Erice, September 28 1885) was a poet, writer Italian journalist and .
Eduardo James Boner ( Messina, March 5 1866 - Messina, 1908) was a poet , writer and journalist Italian .
"Not the way I would do in the south, fearing to be stoned"
G. Garibaldi
Dear Colajanni , Catania, February 10, 1994.
The recent riots in Sicily have for the origins and their effects, social importance, which have been repressed in order to ease does not seem to grant them.
You've seen them with the eye of a philosopher, with moderate trick of a politician with the heart of the city, you do well to deliver the story with the serenity of the courts, to unblemished conscience is not difficult to maintain during the most stormy passions and among the warmest.
Two principal truths are, in my opinion, the news of the honest facts: the independence of the motions by any party from Sicily, and the arrogance of a government that wants opinion and is not strong.
not be that excited and prepared by the Socialists, it seems to me that the rebellions, determined only by very special conditions of the island, by the officials of the feudal proprietors, by the ruthless greed of government, poverty ineffable workers, they did see and touch not the cohesion of the socialist party, the discord of its leaders, the bizarre variety of its groups, the uncertainty of the principles, methods and action.
Socialism in Sicily had taken more than elsewhere, because he found the ground more precisely: la propagazione meravigliosa dei Fasci prova che esso non è artificiale e superficiale, ma ha radici nelle viscere stesse della vita del proletario siciliano; è piuttosto effetto che causa. Il popolo, per altro, quale ch'esso sia, poco suole accogliere e fecondare delle teoriche d'un partito: afferra tutt'al più un'idea rispondente al suo stato, un sentimento che consuona col suo; e quando si sente alle strette, si getta nell'azione, senza chiedere consiglio a nessuno. La miseria e la mala signoria furono e saranno mai sempre i motivi principali delle rivolte.
Questa condizione di cose rende ancor più colpevoli e mostruosi i modi adopted by the government to suppress the rebellions.
Some easiness allowed them to them at the first signs, would probably have quelled the turmoil of the starving peasants.
Yes! The posters had been pinned to the corners, the cabin was opened, the tickets issued, the bass drum echoed back in the stomachs of the audience, and how it was done to remove the show.
Ms. Astrea, behind the scenes that had made copies of itself to all borghesaglia legitimate and law-abiding, was then flips it up and played with the grace of the world the worst part of the outraged virgin: hurled the weights in the face of alleged seducers: grabbed the scale to the yoke and she shut up the heads of poor devils who first came to the shooting.
The borghesaglia legitimate law-abiding and declared himself satisfied; impeperonito blew his nose, and fingers interlaced on the belly and shaking his head as the cuorcontenti gypsum, said in falsetto Style: The institutions are subject , order reigns in Warsaw, and now we can safely return to barter, to feast and snoring.
About: and reforms? Ah! you: there are also those for air, or rather, there is a committee that studied and that ponza happiness of mankind.
ponzano Let us leave, and that God will make it slippery.
What will these reforms, the unofficial gazzettume it not say it wastes all his precious breath to inform us of new imposts , deletions of offices, monopolies daring, wealth dug from bags and veins of all.
institutions, you know, have to be saved, the sacrifices are never too many.
And then, the heavy taxes have the wings, and the reforms gout.
therefore expect that the grass grow, and if the donkey dies, worse for him. ;
What will Codest reforms, we can imagine: bourgeois reform, and there is no need say no more: flaxseed on gangrene; pull concessions and handouts in the face with a crossbow.
And if not enough, lead: Hurry and the usual procedure.
But just lead you believe that?
Io modestamente credo di no: salvo che siasi trovato il modo di renderlo digeribile e nutritivo, come il pane che manca.
In conclusione, questi tumulti hanno rivelato condizioni tali, che non possono e non devono assolutamente durare, per l'onore d'Italia e della razza umana; hanno resa necessaria una fraterna intesa di tutti i partiti democratici in un ideale, in una fede, in un'opera comune; hanno ridotta la questione sociale all'aut aut degli scolastici.
L'idea-valanga s'è già staccata dal vertice, e seguirà fatalmente il suo corso.
Or join it or remain crushed in the mud.
's the story goes by.
Mario Rapisardi
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