Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blu Ray Recorder Burn To Normal Dvd


shines, it is true, it 'Cerulo your temples, or sky

D'Italy, a rice eternal youth; versa
Rivers Sol life;
Sirens Sing devoid of glaucous veil
A fragrant flower of the sea, on which the terse
Calma hovers in vol.

Health, or the glorious mother of heroes and corn,
Stella de'quattro seas, gem of the world, longing
of peoples and kings:
Abundance reigns happy your districts,
s'asside Luck on your throne, fame
interweaves laurels to you!

Eppure essi abbandonano il natio paradiso,
Il ciel chiaro, i pescosi lidi, la terra amica
Dell' aurea libertà,
Perchè tu, cielo azzurro, non hai per loro un riso,
Why you, fertile fields, do not grow a spica
For those who would like sweat.

Who cares? Fail, perhaps deer and wild boar
I regj parks? It lacks the palace jesters?
intrigues of the alcoves and pleasure?
Maybe 'pomp of the royal stables,
A' walk in 'brief references to' brass of Sir Welcomes and not praising
the Narciso gazzettier?

Forse dalla normanna biga rapita a volo
Per le vie popolose di pezzenti non passa
Clelia baldracca? O il vin
Lauto non rutta in faccia d'un affamato stuolo
Dromo the rich broker, Cline old Bardassano
From colorful hair?

Yet they abandon their native paradise,
the clear sky, the teeming shores, the land friend
aura freedom,
For you, blue sky, you do not have them for a laugh,
Why you, fertile fields, do not grow a spica
For those who would like sweat.

Property, fasting from rocky shore
watch its sea, the sea and the smiling eyes Egri
A mirage unfaithful :
Spontaneous put, people regj brakes dodge,
Mercede To work equal, at least to Justice fide
Whose honesty is gospel.

derelict and leave the mothers and wives
Macere without cried: - return, serious
D 'oro ritornerem;
E allor dalla Fortuna, che si concede a' forti,
Virtù, destrezza, ingegno, illustre ordine d'avi
E onori e glorie avrem.—

Ed ecco, essi abbandonano il natio paradiso,
Il ciel chiaro, i pescosi lidi, la terra amica
Dell'aurea libertà,
Perchè tu, cielo azzurro, non hai per loro un riso,
Perchè voi, pingui campi, non crescete una spica
Per chi il sudor vi dà.

Miserable! Yet the first of your Clangor Squille
ran, or country, to the field: infinite speed, poor
Food, backpack and rifle
and forth, between the music and the death were a thousand,
And a hundred just for your kiss, or mothers, Tornari
Salvi iron from the hostile.

But Victoria, who is on top of elegance, grew
The other prize venal crown: for you, paunchy
Trimalchio, to you,
Quadrantario Duilio, which grew despite the name,
To you, mocking Sejan, that mask of Brutus
Do the midst of the king.

And behold, they abandon their native paradise,
the clear sky, the fish-filled beaches, earth friendly
Dell 'golden freedom,
For you, blue sky, you do not have them for a laugh,
Why you pingu fields do not grow a spica
Per chi il sudor vi dà.

Veleggia, o nave, stridi, vapor. Fredda è la notte,
Sanguigni ardono i lampi, il temporal gavazza
Sopra il livido mar ;
breaks out a scream ... pe'lcieco air routes among the axes,
Fra 'bodies floating a voracious race
shark per day appears.

Sail on, or ship, cries, vapor. Which is in the end,
Between sky and water, the wretched survivor? Overlooks,
Here, the land is there;
But standing on the banks of the world sighed,
Col grin on his lips, with outstretched arms
Hunger is horrible.

- "And if the historical moment has passed and this Historical justice is an impossibility, the art has caught a few reasons that will not die in these revolutionary songs, from which it emerges - says Trezza - " a deep voice, sad, threatening, as people suffering ignored and trampled by all. " -


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