Louis David Gandolfo has written an excellent essay in memory of his great-grandfather, the painter Anthony Gandolfo.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Verbiage For Sympathy Card
The painter Anthony Catanese Gandolfo in the culture of the late nineteenth
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Confidentail Fax Statement
Che dire?
Ieri mi ha chiamato un mio amico Greco che tra le altre cose mi ha detto che i telegiornali in Grecia, dopo aver dato tutte le notizie della giornata, a fine TG hanno fatto un angolo dove mostrano le gaffe e le controversie del PornoNano! Una sorta di striscia la notizia tutta su di lui.
Ieri mi ha chiamato un mio amico Greco che tra le altre cose mi ha detto che i telegiornali in Grecia, dopo aver dato tutte le notizie della giornata, a fine TG hanno fatto un angolo dove mostrano le gaffe e le controversie del PornoNano! Una sorta di striscia la notizia tutta su di lui.
Poi mi dice che loro hanno la crisi, ma che secondo lui l'Italia sia messa peggio! Per concludere mi ha chiesto come abbiamo potuto votare il PornoNano!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Herpes Outbreak And I Still Feel Sick
"Do not try to become a man of success but rather a man of value."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"Success is ephemeral. The value is forever. Success is like being sulcesso. Sooner or later we must stand up "
Andrea Rosa (1970-NP)
"Do not try to become a man of success but rather a man of value."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"Success is ephemeral. The value is forever. Success is like being sulcesso. Sooner or later we must stand up "
Andrea Rosa (1970-NP)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Electrolux Microwave Reciepe
Dance Eastern Sacred
composer, Francesco Paolo Frontini
ed. Carisch 1919 - for small orchestra with piano or orchestra conductor.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Pikachu Wrestling Singlet
a boat - Luigi Capuana
boat, abandoned in breast Cotesta
muddy river, among the tall reeds, which I think is a great
black cradle
moved by the wind;
I saw you scroll back haughty
On the sparkling wave proud
And Didst thou appear cheerful
fish darting above the water.
Had the red bow and a crown of flowers
your thin oars piacean
to dive to detect immediately all
dripping liquid pearls
While your hips against s'agit
The impact of the current testy, that
For the curved sides of a beautiful girl,
When the arm of a lover
Ardito surrounds them. And, glorious,
Recavi from one bank to another, quickly
local boatmen who seemed proud
's your soul.
Alas, your red bow scolorossi,
And your thin oars consunsero, alas,
Under the treacherous kisses and continued
Of Cash pearls! And the proud
your hips they were torn by the impact
winner of the force of the river;
And your soul, the boatmen
T'abbandonarono proud!
Among the mud and among the tall reeds, all
Rosa damp, without oars, without
Nothing you look like a dead thing, and from time to time you cradle
Oh, you're so full of sadness! Oh how you invoke this
Devi river swells And Breast
muddy sea, sea, smashed
drag you!
* From our living poets - and . Loescher & Seeber, 1891 - by Eugenia Levi
boat, abandoned in breast Cotesta
muddy river, among the tall reeds, which I think is a great
black cradle
moved by the wind;
I saw you scroll back haughty
On the sparkling wave proud
And Didst thou appear cheerful
fish darting above the water.
Had the red bow and a crown of flowers
your thin oars piacean
to dive to detect immediately all
dripping liquid pearls
While your hips against s'agit
The impact of the current testy, that
For the curved sides of a beautiful girl,
When the arm of a lover
Ardito surrounds them. And, glorious,
Recavi from one bank to another, quickly
local boatmen who seemed proud
's your soul.
Alas, your red bow scolorossi,
And your thin oars consunsero, alas,
Under the treacherous kisses and continued
Of Cash pearls! And the proud
your hips they were torn by the impact
winner of the force of the river;
And your soul, the boatmen
T'abbandonarono proud!
Among the mud and among the tall reeds, all
Rosa damp, without oars, without
Nothing you look like a dead thing, and from time to time you cradle
Oh, you're so full of sadness! Oh how you invoke this
Devi river swells And Breast
muddy sea, sea, smashed
drag you!
* From our living poets - and . Loescher & Seeber, 1891 - by Eugenia Levi
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Clips Kates Playground
For the poet Mario Rapisarda, the honors of 1889, held in Catania.
In these few lines, I will try, through testimony of others, to stimulate, with poor results, the interest of scholars in Catania, to the rediscovery (sic) of the poet Mario Rapisarda, which, leaving aside the personal judgments, deserves the attention of academia.
Riconoscimenti al Titano, così intitolava il 4° paragrafo del 5° capitolo di “Una vita tormentata”, pubblicato nel 1991 da Sebastiano Catalano , con prefazione di Nicolò Mineo .
Due avvenimenti contrassegnarono lo scorcio del secolo xx: uno di segno positivo che fece risplendere ancora di più il fascino e il carisma che il docente (M. Rapisardi) esercitava sulla gioventù studiosa, la cui fama si era estesa ben oltre l'Isola ed aveva «contagiato» quelli di altre Università (Palermo, Messina, Roma ed anche straniere); l'altro minore, che toglieva qualcosa di accademico al professore, che rinunziava (per motivi di salute) a mantenere la presidenza della Facoltà di Lettere , rivestita da un decennio. Ciò avveniva agli inizi dell'anno 1899. Di ben altra risonanza e valenza il primo, volano del quale furono le manifestazioni promosse da un Comitato di studenti. L'occasione was the anniversary of Palingenesis (1868), Thirty years have passed since the first edition.
The "honor" the poet involved students from near and far, as the students of the School of Education in Rome, city officials (mayor and come City, Province) and any association then existing in Catania, the three mayors and the University of Palermo and Messina (each joined on behalf of the respective cities). Of course, were the mayor and the town council, who gave the ad hoc decisions taken as a celebration and solemnity that involved the entire city (as we shall soon see).
On that occasion a group of students, particularly close to the Master ('disciples'), with appreciable contributions, gave the prints a special publication dedicated to the poet and leader.
The Rapisardi thanked a few days later, moved by the vibrations caused him to the writings and compositions.
* / / monument in bronze wanted by college students
program and complete the course of "honor", approved by the Committee on June 19, 1898, suffered the veto of the prefect of Catania. (....)
The demonstrations, in seguito autorizzate, si svolsero nel gennaio del 1899 ed ebbero il clou con una cerimonia spettacolare al massimo, che vide la partecipazione massiccia del popolo con le rappresentanze delle autorità catanesi e degli Atenei della Sicilia, di folti gruppi di studenti delle Università di Trieste, Vienna ed altre, e che si svolse domenica 22 gennaio 1899. Per rievocare avvenimenti che hanno per teatro la città intera, occorre attingere alla cronaca coeva che è sempre prodiga di dettagli interessanti.
L'inaugurazione del monumento al Giardino Bellini : essa assurge a glorificazione in vita del Vate, definitely established to be valid for the new generations. The program included the opening of it at 12, the conference of prof. Ragusa Moleti in the foyer of the Teatro Bellini at 15 and, finally, the evening of 19, an artistic torch with "festive lighting of the Town Hall and the Gymnasium Siculorum . (...)
is impossible to summarize the proportions of the event, the grandeur of the procession wound slowly from the University Square, the Town Hall and the banners of the three universities in Sicily , the flags of all the associations and citizens 'associations, the two bands: the municipal and the Hospice Benefit, which played the anthem of the students and the' lnno to Rapisardi (student author Lucio Costanzo).
arrival, the 'Villa' was already crowded, and consequently, the beds were invaded "between the despair of the guards." Soon after the unveiling, the speeches of Mayor Virgilio La Scola, representing the Press Association in Sicily, the professor Boner of Messina, Dr. Antonio Campanozzi for the organizing committee.
Then the procession headed toward the sprawling Home to the Village of Poeta. The meeting between the Mayor and the Rapisardi and hug the top of the scale was under the sign of emotion and tears. The observant reporter noted: "The illustrious poet is stunned by the strong emotion" as the crowd demanded to see the poet and "Finally Rapisardi is forced to be on the balcony." It is an exciting moment and phantasmagorical, but the poet of loss "Thousands of hats and handkerchiefs waving dramatically, thousands of mouths cry Rapisardi live bands intuonano Rapisardi and the hymn to the students, ranging flags and bow before the Great. " "He, solemn, bathed, thanks with a gesture, that's the word stop in a narrow gorge with emotion ...». For the emotion Rapisardi is forced to withdraw "his vision blurs, the knees bend ... and retired ...».
Despite the impressive participation of the people there would be no disturbance of public order and disorder, as it gave way in the ratio of PS to the Chief Executive Officer of "The ceremony was tidy in complex and serious." Amongst those present in the procession Members Angelo Majorana and Giuseppe De Felice, and representatives of the press Catania: Nino Martoglio , direttore del «D'Artagnan» e Paolo Arrabito , direttore della «Gazzetta della Sera», quotidiano.
Un'iniziativa editoriale e culturale di rilievo, in consonanza con le onoranze, fu assunta da Antonio Campanozzi, con l'inizio della pubblicazione della rivista «Palingenesi».
Dopo le «Onoranze» veramente eccezionali, che - come abbiamo visto - si conclusero nel gennaio 1899, il Poeta ringraziava con un messaggio diretto «Agli studenti» e rifletteva che mai come di fronte ai giorni resi solenni «io ho sentito l'insufficienza dell'opera mia» and showed the meaning of "melancholy." "And the melancholy grows when I look in the sadness of the times and the poor state that has reduced our unfortunate country; concluded by urging young people to believe that" justice, freedom, peace will reign, sooner or later, into the world " . Of "honor" bestowed with affection, with intensity, the solemnity and formality, are the 'Acts', a volume of critical writings and recollections of events and personal memories, published by dell'infaticabile Chairman of the promoter and organizer .
* Bust University (1899) - Apotheosis for a living.
The phase of the "monument" the poet continued with the opening of the half-length at the university, discovered on January 23 next at 14. Which no longer exists, was "placed in the western wall of the Great Hall." After the inevitable speeches (speakers Dr. Campanozzi, Hannibal Rich Rector, prof. Giardina on behalf of the Faculty of Arts), a committee of students went to visit the poet to deliver some scrolls, two albums: one with signatures of students from Vienna and the other with subscriptions those of the University of Rome and the Magisterium of the female students, a picture of the painter Alessandro Abate and other gifts ("a silver shield students from Trieste University of Graz). Prolonged ovation of the students, who were waiting on the street "forced the poet to appear twice." It was the maximum that the poet could give to his young admirers and disciples! .
This great event, a source of pride for any person, disturbed the professor Rapisardi. Here are the "consequences" on the subsequent conduct of the Poet, as reported by one witness, Professor. Casagrande 'Where for the Jubilee della sua Palingenesi (1899) gli studenti delle tre Università di Sicilia gli decretarono un busto di bronzo, Egli si scusò d'intervenire all'inaugurazione solenne, e d'allora in poi non passò più per la corsia del corridoio superiore, che gli avrebbe mostrato la sua apoteosi. Egli in quella apoteosi vide invece le estreme sue esequie . Da questo quadro esce un uomo schivo, modesto, che scansava le riunioni solenni e, insieme, il fastidio della popolarità, restìo alle esibizioni ed agli applausi.
Vedi anche
Catania Rapisardi had to be what is the Bologna Carducci (_) , however, relegates him in a strange room, the Library Ursino Recovery.
Victor Hugo, which he literally said "J'ai lu, monsieur, votre noble poem. Vous êtes a prècurseur ... .... "Is not wrong. Studying it, feel that the Rapisardi, emotionally as well as pick, was projected into the future, his thoughts and opinions can be reported in full in today's society, perhaps this irritates both the "trombones" today.
"Very not anything else in my life" wrote, " except perhaps this, that, good or bad, I'm format from me, destroying the petty and false education and upbringing, and teaching ed educandomi da me, a modo mio, fuori di qualunque scuola, estraneo a qualunque setta, sdegnoso di sistemi e di pregiudizi” .
Monday, October 11, 2010
Flowers That Go With A Burgundy Dress No Roses
Anthony Gandolfo, shows the painter Catania, Aci Castello in the 28/10/2010, for the centenary.
Antonino Gandolfo 1841 - 1910
« La sua arte, intese il compito di affrontare i problemi della vita additandone le miserie; egli cercò il dolore per stimolare la pietà e la riparazione sociale; fu poesia, fu opera altamente sociale».
« Basta citare i titoli delle sue opere migliori : Musica forzata — Il cieco - Una madre. — Al monte di pietà — I l dolore ecc. per trovare in esse tutta l'anima vibrante dei sentimenti più belli ».
« Basta citare i titoli delle sue opere migliori : Musica forzata — Il cieco - Una madre. — Al monte di pietà — I l dolore ecc. per trovare in esse tutta l'anima vibrante dei sentimenti più belli ».
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Mount And Blade Vampire
Francesco Paolo Frontini, "I vote and I vote again"
Art Gaetano Marino, drawn from iVespri of 9/10/2010,
---------- ------------------
Song rustic , better known as "I votu and I rivotu"
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Maxine Jokes On Birthdays
Tempo di gare: agli automobilisti
Dear motorist,
Dear motorist,
At this time there are many planned competitions in particular Running marathons and half marathons. In most cases reported in advance to allow motorists to avoid them. But if you, dear motorist, you happen to be stuck in a sports event, honk and avoid arguing with the volunteers which indicate the race course .... so do not solve anything!
Where are you going on Sunday morning so important? To fill your belly with your legs under a table? Sit on the edge of the racetrack to encourage runners. It's good for them and good for you to see many people with wholesome sports and racing so well targeted. So many people optimistic that fight, they're good you could motivate and encourage a return to sports. The more a person is more sport and doing well. More is better or more efficient at work. More efficient at work and have more time to devote to family, friends or leisure! Even if you lose a set does not make you bad ... indeed. At least you see people in the race believe in what they do.
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