Saturday, February 20, 2010

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I really fear that the festival of Sanremo is the mirror of Italy. Pupo said: "Berlusconi teaches you more whistles, more you win. " Indeed beautiful school ... and probably the same voters.

I do not believe that someone has voted that song (song?)! Next week I am doing my statistics. I ask all those who would vote for the win ... if someone tells me Pupo / Emanuele Filiberto offer him a dinner.

Another symptom: Morgan refuses to sing when you know benessimo that at least 50% of those who climbed up on stage have done or do the same thing (Emanuele Filiberto included).
So the rule is more and more .... say things that people say and we want to hear for us our weaknesses and problems.
Oh I forgot: perhaps ITALY!

Friday, February 12, 2010

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Me and my children

What a sight!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ocular Migraine How Long Will It Last

Cicli Biologici

After an operation themselves that lasts for at least a month, this morning riuscito a fare una corsa alle 7:00. Ero convinto che fosse più dura. Il trucco è svegliarsi alle 5:30 e fare subito colazione. Così riesco ad avere un po' più di energia, visto che le prove che avevo fatto in passato, senza prima fare colazione, erano state un'agonia.
Ora spero di avere la forza di volontà per continuare, visto che con i nuovi orari di lavoro non riesco più a fare nulla la sera. Di certo la primavera contribuirà a darmi un po' di motivazioni in più.